
BLED112 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) USB Dongleprint

20.00VAT incl.



The Bluegiga BLED112 is a small BLE dongle that plugs into the USB port of your computer to add support for BLE (a.k.a. Bluetooth Smart / Bluetooth Low Energy / Bluetooth 4.0) communication. The BLED112 is unique in that it does NOT require any special bluetooth software/stack/support within the operating system, so will work quite happily on almost any computer, including many older systems that do not normally support BLE at all (e.g. Windows XP or 7).

The BLED112 will work with Windows, Mac, Linux and Chromebook. It is ideal for use in schools.

Once again the BLED112 is NOT a conventional bluetooth adapter. It is a ‘BLE to serial’ adapter dongle and creates a virtual COM port for communication. This is how it can work with older computer systems that do not support BLE by default.


Common uses of the BLED112 dongle in schools

  • To use LEGO WeDo 2.0 with the LEGO WeDo 2.0 software on older computers like Windows XP or Windows 7 (also works with Windows 8 and 10, but you must install the ‘Windows 7’ desktop version of LEGO’s software (not the Windows 8 ‘app’ version)). Note you must use this adapter with the ‘Windows 7’ version of LEGO’s software – it is compulsory and the only supported adapter.
  • To use LEGO WeDo 2.0 with MIT Scratch 2 / S2Bot software on older computers like Windows XP or Windows 7 (also works with Windows 8, 10 and Macs).
  • To use other BLE robots such as sBrick, BB8 or Ollie with MIT Scratch 2 and S2Bot
  • For general BLE microcontroller projects such as those using a PICAXE microcontroller, Raspberry Pi or Arduino.

Delivery up to 2-4 weeks.


Toome maale ja esindame järgmisi brände:

LEGO Education


iRobot Root

Matata Studio


Shape Robotics




Estrotech OÜ | Kassisilma 4, Räni küla, Kambja vald, Tartu maakond 61708, viies uks | +372 51 46 091 |